Our scholars have discovered interesting topics in philately, and we are making their literature available in the public. We welcome contributions and volunteers to send their work in pdf to articulatehk@gmail.com and mark the subject as Philate.ly contributions
No. of articles we tracked now : 4
4. An article that examines the financial performance of British stamps from 1900-2008. Very good indicator of past performance. https://did.art/l/ckZdmv
Dimson, E., & Spaenjers, C. (2011). Ex post: The investment performance of collectible stamps. Journal of Financial Economics, 100(2), 443-458.
3. This is a very interesting look at how stamps are forensically examined from a chemistry and spectroscopy point of view by Udo Groß published in a journal in chemisty https://did.art/l/HoO2we
Groß, U. (2018). Forensic philately: the science of stamp authentication. ChemTexts, 4(4), 18.
2. This is a December 2005 edition of Nature magazine and speak about the world of physicists and interesting find about various countries staking a claim https://did.art/l/g0TJpY
1. Philately in America and the source came from a very old edition – The Collector, Vol. 3, No. 18 (Aug. 15, 1892), pp. 280-281. https://did.art/l/HLtNcq