Our scholars have discovered interesting topics in philately, and we are making their literature available in the public. We welcome contributions and volunteers to send their work in pdf to [email protected] and mark the subject as Philate.ly contributions
No. of articles we tracked now : 4
4. An article that examines the financial performance of British stamps from 1900-2008. Very good indicator of past performance. https://did.art/l/ckZdmv
Dimson, E., & Spaenjers, C. (2011). Ex post: The investment performance of collectible stamps. Journal of Financial Economics, 100(2), 443-458.
3. This is a very interesting look at how stamps are forensically examined from a chemistry and spectroscopy point of view by Udo Groß published in a journal in chemisty https://did.art/l/HoO2we
Groß, U. (2018). Forensic philately: the science of stamp authentication. ChemTexts, 4(4), 18.
2. This is a December 2005 edition of Nature magazine and speak about the world of physicists and interesting find about various countries staking a claim https://did.art/l/g0TJpY
1. Philately in America and the source came from a very old edition – The Collector, Vol. 3, No. 18 (Aug. 15, 1892), pp. 280-281. https://did.art/l/HLtNcq